Small Groups

Therefore, let us pursue the things which make for peace and
the things by which one may edify another.

Romans 14:19

Small Groups are an extension of the larger church to provide shepherding love, application of the Scriptures, accountability, and intimate fellowship where every member is cared for.

The strategy of First Baptist Church at Weston is to practically and tangibly organize all members to achieve a ministry of care that is completed through Small Groups where the whole church is called to be involved. God has equipped every Christian with spiritual gifts and abilities that He desires for them to use for the strengthening of the body of Christ. These small groups of believers are the primary place where church members can use their gifts for the glory of God and for the building up and care of the local church.

Here at FBC Weston, we offer groups for men, ladies, specific stage of life, Spanish and Portuguese speakers.

To learn more or to get connected to a small group, please fill out the form below.

9:30am small groups

All Seasons (Ernie Blanco) — Rm 120
Damas con Cesia Nunez — Rm130
Portuguese Speakers (Cassio Ribeiro) — Rm 150 (Science Lab)
Spanish Speakers (Miguel Romero) — Rm 230
Ladies with Candy Monteiro — Rm 102
Ladies with Jamie Stiles — Rm 215
Ladies with Laurie Penumala — Rm 220
Ladies with Stephanie Holman — Rm 210
Men with Elliot Hayes — Rm 250
Men with Fabian Ospina — Rm 101
Men with Paul Reasor — Rm 140 (Art Room)
Parents of Babies & Toddlers (Cameron Holly) — Children's Theater (formally in the library)
Small Group with Jason Sizemore — 225
(formally called Parents of Middle and High School Students and in room 130)

11:00am small groups

Legacy (Jim Virtue) — Children’s Theater (formally called Empty Nesters)
Ladies with Nancy McDonald — Rm 130
Men with Paul Curry — Library
Men with Steve McDonald — Rm 101
Small Group with Joel Botner — Rm 120 (formally called Parents of Young Adults 1)
Couples with Ariel Musibay — 102 (formally called Parents of Young Adults 2)

Sign up for a small group

We would love to get you connected to a small group. Fill out the form below to get started.