Congregational Singing
The music ministry strives to lead the church family to glorify God and to edify one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). We believe the voice of the congregation is the church's primary instrument to the glory of God. All singing and instrumentation are done with excellence and doctrinal integrity. Congregational worship is to reinforce the faith through song and to express congregational praise and worship to Christ, our Audience.
Sunday Morning music
Want to know what we sing on Sunday Mornings? Click below to hear the different psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs on our Spotify playlist. This will also give you a chance to hear the different song/hymn writers and groups that we sing from on Sunday mornings.

Pathway to serving
To serve on the Music Ministry Team you must be a member of First Baptist Church at Weston and actively attending a small group. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Here are ways to serve in the Music Ministry:
1. Media Team - Operating cameras and directing livestreams for Sunday Mornings and special events i.e Conferences and Retreats.
2. Tech Team - Running sound, Running Slides and helping with platform set-ups for Sunday Mornings and special events i.e Conferences and Retreats.
3. Vocalist for Sunday Mornings (Able to hear and sing harmony or read music is preferred)
4. Instrumentalist for Sunday Mornings (Guitar, Bass, Piano/Keys, Bass, Drums etc...)
To learn more about the Music Ministry or to set-up an audition please fill out the form below.
1. Media Team - Operating cameras and directing livestreams for Sunday Mornings and special events i.e Conferences and Retreats.
2. Tech Team - Running sound, Running Slides and helping with platform set-ups for Sunday Mornings and special events i.e Conferences and Retreats.
3. Vocalist for Sunday Mornings (Able to hear and sing harmony or read music is preferred)
4. Instrumentalist for Sunday Mornings (Guitar, Bass, Piano/Keys, Bass, Drums etc...)
To learn more about the Music Ministry or to set-up an audition please fill out the form below.