
Membership at FBC Weston

Steps to Becoming a Member:

1.     Attend our Discovery Classes – These classes serve as our entryway into church membership where you will learn more about the doctrine, practices, and priorities of FBC Weston. We typically hold Discovery Classes over three consecutive Wednesday nights every 3–4 months.
2.     Fill out a testimony form – Throughout this process we want to learn more about you, your life, and how God has saved you by grace, through faith, in Christ alone. You are more than just a number here; you are a person made in the image of God and we want to learn all that God has done in your life.  
3.     Meet with a pastor – Here, you will have the opportunity to get to know one of our pastors and ask any questions you may have about the church. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible moving forward in joining the church, and that involves getting to know us as well.
4.     Sign a church covenant – This is the last step of membership where you commit to being an active part of our church family and living in a godly manner according to the biblical principles which join us together.
If you would like to learn more about the biblical practice of church membership, please watch our two-part sermon series on “Belonging to the Family” listed below.

Belonging to the family | Part 1

The church is the visible expression of the family of God. Those who have been born again by the Spirit of God are joined together in community to worship God and serve each other in loyal love. This is what we believe the Bible teaches about church membership. This may not be membership as you may typically hear the word in this world, but as you come to understand God’s Word, you quickly see that the only kind of church God assembles is one committed to Him and committed to each other.

Belonging to the family | Part 2

What exactly does church membership require? What are you signing up for? In part two, you will see the general principles which join us together here at FBC Weston. These elements of godly living are basic principles of the Christian life. We are simply committing to our leaders and to each other to live them out, and desiring that others in the church help us to live them out collectively. 

Want to learn more?

To learn more on how to become a member here at FBC Weston
please fill out the form below.